Tuesday, July 19, 2016


The Principle of Separate Realities
1. It is impossible for two human beings to see things exactly alike. Yet, many people spend their lifetimes proving to themselves and to others that their version of life is valid, realistic, and correct.
2. When we realize that everyone sees things differently, we can continue to maintain any belief or opinion we have. Other people’s objections to them will not be such a source of hostility or pain.
3. When you approach someone, not in an attempt to change their beliefs but with a genuine interest and respect for their view of life, defenses drop and hearts open.
4. Listen without judgment, and the person you are with will sense your respect for his/her position and your willingness to listen. The result is increased understanding and softening on both sides, the essence of compromise or collaboration, bringing out the best in ourselves and in others.

The Principle of Feelings
1. Negative feelings will disappear quickly enough if we simply leave them alone.
2. Wisdom and common sense come from a more positive feeling state, from a quiet and rested mind. When we feel good, we are more equipped to solve any problem that may come up.
3. If our internal experience of life isn’t pleasant, we are creating our own misery through our own thought system. We can recognize and value our alternatives, make the mental shift, stop habitual thinking, and return to a natural state of well-being.

The Principle of the Present Moment
1. Keeping your attention on the past (or the future) can become a habit that is difficult to break.
2. The only way to experience genuine and lasting contentment, satisfaction, and happiness is to learn to live your life in the present moment.
3. Your thoughts can take you from a state of calm into a state of turmoil without any actual changes taking place. The solution to this mental sabotage is to become aware and conscious of your mind spinning forward toward problems, deadlines, and issues, or backward toward reliving old wounds or frustrations. Remind yourself to guide your thoughts back to the present when they are too caught up in problems.
4. As you become more proficient at living in the moment, you will be able to decide moment to moment what your experience of life will be.