Sunday, September 13, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
I quit my job, my
relationship, my spirituality… I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods
to have one last talk with god
“God”, I asked,
“Can you give me one
good reason not to quit?”.
His answer surprised
“Look around”, He
said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo ?
“Yes”, I replied.
“When I planted the
fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.I
gave them water.The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green
covered the floor.Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on
the bamboo.In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing
came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.
“In year three there
was still nothing from the bamboo seed.But I would not quit.
In year four, again,
there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit.” He said.
“Then in the fifth
year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was
seemingly small and insignificant…But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to
over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five
years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to
survive.I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.”
He asked me. “Did you
know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually
been rowing roots”.
“I would not quit on
the bamboo.I will never quit on you.”
“Don’t compare
yourself to others.” He said.”The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make
the forest beautiful.”"Your time will come”, God said to me.
“You will rise high”.
“How high should I
rise?” I asked.
“How high will the
bamboo rise?” He asked in return.
“As high as it can?”
I questioned.”Yes.” He said, “Give Me glory by rising as high as you can.”
I left the forest and
brought back this story.I hope these words can help you see that God will never
give up on you.Never, Never,
Never, Give up.
Don’t tell the GOD
how big the problem is, tell the problem how Great the GOD is!
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Overcome your problems
1. Anger and hatred towards someone
2. Worry and fear
3. Money problems
4. Work
5. Relationship troubles
6. Feeling of inadequacy and inferiority
7. Ill health
8. Loneliness
9. Boredom
10. Stress and inability to find peace
1. Anger and Hatred Towards Someone
Let's first of all look at the reasons behind so many people's response
to a situation being anger. A baby feels frustration when it isn't
responded to immediately and reacts with tears. But this isn't anger.
A child feels delayed gratification and consequently frustration, which
does turn to anger. This is the start of those anger feelings, and
depending on the parent's reaction at this time, life-long patterns will
emerge. If the child feels love and the consequent feeling of safety,
they will then develop a higher tolerance to situations that trigger
anger. Their life from this early start will be more flexible and they
will have a higher stress tolerance. Otherwise they will cope less and
react more explosively. If they have a lower tolerance to anger and
stress, this will lead to destructive coping mechanisms such as
addiction to drugs/alcohol or other excesses such as food, exercise,
dieting or spending money. This inability to cope with stress leads to
illness, both physically and mentally.
When examining yourself and your behaviour, know this is how
you got to where you are today. These problems have manifested
themselves in your feeling of anger, frustration and being
overwhelmed with life, to a greater or lesser extent.
Stop and think – do you like the person you have allowed yourself to
become? Are you enjoying the drama? The feeling that you're not
responsible – the person you hate is that person is to blame. That
person needs to suffer the same way you have. “An eye for an eye”.
You're continually fuelling the flame, “I hate them. They ruined my
life. I'm spiralling downwards due to them”. How consoling it is to
know that it's not your fault.
Well it is your fault!! You have allowed yourself to become this way,
but this is not your true nature. This is your learned nature. Your real
nature is not this fearful, frustrated, angry animal – but that of what
you could be. A loving, de-stressed and peaceful individual.
Remember who you are here. You and I are one. You have the total
power of choice. You have created this reality over a lifetime – when
you decide to change that created picture, you know you can.
Remember that you chose your childhood setting. You always
thought it was random, but it wasn't. No matter how bad that
childhood home was – whether it included adoption, being molested,
physical violence – your soul needed to experience this setting, and
eventually realise that this experience could be overcome. You will
keep choosing this setting until you learn how to overcome it. There is
no escape, until finally you know that to resist the past is pointless.
Past circumstances can never be changed, or present people from that
past, but you can choose how you react to them.
Allow these past triggers to always chaff and you will never
move on. You'll turn to an obsession to try to blot it out from your
memory. This can take the form of drugs, alcohol, gambling and
eventual illness – anything that will blot out and ease that memory.
Unfortunately, the past cannot be erased, and unless you let it go,
it will only hurt you in the end. Resisting it only increases the anger
and hatred. Accepting it stops the pain and suffering and allows for
the letting go. The trigger may still be there, in the form of childhood
figures, but as soon as you realise you both chose to be in that
situation, and ultimately when you leave here you will thank that soul
for allowing you to experience that reaction. Only then do you know
it's useless to resist the past, and the suffering then can finally end for
both the victim and abuser. Allow whatever happened to be, it will
loose its power and dissolve.
How do you forgive yourself?
What's happened to you in your life? Is it something that
unforgivable? Has someone died in your life?
My child/sister/brother/father/mother/partner has died. I wasn't caring
enough of their welfare and blame myself. I didn't notice them enough
and could have helped them. They committed suicide without me
seeing the signs and I could have prevented it. I accidentally killed
someone and now feel as though I have a life to make up for... I am
mentally ill because of this and can't function because my life is black.
I can't see any positive aspects these days.
Are you are an addict?
I am a drug addict/alcoholic. I have made my life and others lives hell,
for a long time. I can't fulfill my potential because of this and have to
be looked after by others.
Are you physically ill?
I have been ill for a very long time and could die of cancer/heart
attack/tumour at any time. I'm really just waiting for it to happen and
will be pleased when it's all finally over. If only I had been well
enough to contribute to other's welfare and fulfill my life's true
Every one of the life scenarios that is mentioned all carries with it
massive guilt for the individual. “I'm useless just living in a park/on
the streets drinking/shooting up all day. But I was raped by my
“I'm responsible for my child's death. If only I hadn't accidentally
murdered my girlfriend in a wild fit of rage. My temper should be
more under control.”
“I should have visited my mother more often and checked on her.”
“If only my teenager had told me about the problem they were having.
I could have stopped their suicide. But I didn't know.”
“I wish I wasn't dying of cancer and could see my children grow up.
But I can't and they just have to learn to get along without me.
Know that each soul has lived these situations. You might feel your
life is together now, but do you know what happened to your soul
before this lifetime? If you did know, you would view life very
differently now and wouldn't be so judgmental. Your mind doesn't
remember these past experiences, but your soul does.
“There but for the grace of God go I” means you do remember dimly
that you have had similar experiences, but just can't realise now
anything specific. You all could have had any of these happen to you
previously and you have had many of them occur. Remember you
have been male, female, rich, poor, powerful, and powerless before,
according to the realizations you needed to achieve.
Every soul has had very difficult lives. Only by experiencing
difficulty and eventually working through it, can you grow and learn
the knowledge needed to survive and ultimately overcome this
physical life.
Know you aren't alone. Know that:
Every person you meet has been through a similar situation to
you at some stage in their physical lifetimes.
You have to work through that situation at some stage. Even if
you can't do it this time you'll have to do it next lifetime. All
situations you will ultimately have to face.
You are Me in a physical form. I allow you, and want you to
forgive yourself and move on to more positive learning
experiences. It might take many lifetimes but it's your choice.
It is your choice. Know we are one and realise you no longer
need the drama. Truly know this and you will be set free.
Realise this ultimate truth and you will no longer feel
judgmental to others. You also have passed through this same life
stage. You have moved on, so encourage that soul to do the same.
Remember, might be too soon for that person to move forward.
Give them time. Empathize with that person as much as possible
and try not to judge.
You cannot change others. You can ultimately only change yourself.
Others can be shown a different way. Know that all people are
evolving and moving forward gradually in their own way and time.
You might not see this now and think that your way is better – each
person has their own path and journey to fulfill. Rather than try to
change them, help them move forward in their own chosen way.
“But my son/daughter is a hopeless drug addict and thief. They
live in a squat. How can that way ever be a learning experience?”
Know that it is. After meeting a man who was once very rich and
handsome, but is now reduced to living on the beach and picking up
cigarette butts because of his drug habit, I finally realised this. He had
embezzled funds from the company he worked for; he had kidnapped
his mother for a ransom from his family to fuel the habit. He had also
sold his house, apartment, and sports car. He had nothing left. He had
no teeth, nowhere to live, his clothes were from the Salvation Army.
Everything was gone. His family still loved him but he had no contact
with them. He was on the disability pension. He had chosen to punish
himself totally in this lifetime. He was enjoying the drama of the
I initially judged him as a total loser. I tried to change him
through reasoning with him. He had no qualms borrowing money
from anyone.
In the end, I realised only he could choose to make his life more
positive. Only he could end the love of drama and the need of
Then one day he said, “I now am totally free. I no longer need
anything material. I live on the beach and eat in the soup kitchen.
What else do I need? I'm still looking for a high through drugs but that
won't change. Don't try and change me.”
So there can be learning in any life. Try to guide and help each
person but don't try to judge and change that person.
How do I stop myself from getting angry and stop anger in others?
As soon as you feel the heat of anger arising, do something about it.
Cool the feelings in some way. Stop the reaction. Lower your voice,
unclench your fist, reason with yourself. Know that you are a peaceful
soul. Reason will eventually prevail anyway, with or without this
unnecessary anger. Don't allow frustration to build up. Do something
about these minor frustrations before they reach this boiling-over
level. Start relaxation techniques and realise you are a peaceful soul.
Deal with these out of control frustrations – one by one.
See things in a wider perspective. This is only one of your many
lifetimes, which is very short anyway. Okay, so a driver cut in front of
me, but I survived it and so did they. Stop dwelling on it. Allow the
anger to go.
Every time you feel the surge of anger realise you can take
control. Train yourself not to make a fool of yourself. Allow yourself
to heal, rather than to fester with inward anger.
Even though you now have anger under control, never allow
yourself to be a victim. You are only a victim if you allow yourself to
be one. An abuser cannot be allowed to continue because that is bad
for you and bad for them. If they find abuse acceptable their
personality will change into a ruthless and cruel character. The school
bully will become the organized crime leader. The wife basher will
become the murderer. Loving someone does not mean allowing them
to do anything they want to you and others. Love of yourself and
others demands that you stop them. To allow a person to continually
hurt others and inflict damage is not the most loving thing to do.
Highest love requires a forceful response.
Take control of your self and your life. See yourself for what you
are and know you can change. You will eventually have to anyway. If
you don't do it now, at some stage you will have to see yourself for
what you have become. You won't like this image and have to do
something about it. Why wait?
How do I choose not to be a victim and martyr?
The great martyrs such as Jesus choose this state through free choice.
It was never inflicted on them and Jesus always knew he could stop
his crucifixion at any time. He chose this state, as He knew that
humans would only heed the message after He was dead. He
overcame death by rising again on the third day. Then you knew the
truth and followed the message. But the message has become distorted
over time and each religious group feels their message is the right
way. So people think suffering is necessary in life to follow the
religious path.
If you choose the path of suffering, recognise it and decide how
you want to react to it. You can continue to be the victim, or decide
that you no longer want to react in the same way. It is bad for the
torturer and the victim. Eventually the torturer will hate themselves,
and you, if you allow the victim mentality to continue you will be
Remember there are only two human emotions – love and fear. If love
isn't ruling your life, then fear is. Decide what you want to experience
in life (love, peace and happiness) and head towards that experience.
When you start to move away from fear and feel hope, you are finally
heading toward the light.
Nothing plagues humans more than having an inferiority
complex. This is why you allow yourself to become a victim in the
first place. It's easier to allow a do-nothing situation than to start a
change. Your feelings of inferiority have probably existed for as long
as you have. Why let that continue?
Never see yourself as failing again. Control your mind. Practice
finding peace and this will automatically induce success in your life.
Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, cancel it immediately
with a positive thought. Of course you can do it – surely you're as
good as anyone else, and you are becoming a peaceful soul at the
same time.
Depression leads to building up negative thoughts and imaginary
obstacles. Why are you worried about what might happen? “Well the
worst always happens.” Now that you are a peaceful soul, only the
best will start to happen. If a few difficulties arise on your path,
minimise them. You are not alone. Remember you have Me. You are
my body. Why would I let you flounder alone? You can overcome
them now.
Look at your positive aspects and realise your abilities so you can
develop a wholesome self-respect. Everyone is good at something.
Know we all have much to contribute in this life, even if it's only
something you think is small, like talking to a friend in need. Don't let
yourself down again. Make the move – learn to become positive
I can never overcome feelings of inferiority until I learn how to
forgive myself. Feelings of guilt forever plague me.
Most people experience guilt feelings for a large percentage of their
lives. Guilt directed towards them by their parents. Blame pointed at
them usually by people who cannot accept the blame themselves. How
many parents blame their partner, or their children for problems that
arise in their own lives? They should accept the guilt themselves, but
it’s much easier to put the blame on someone else than take it
yourself. Who is easier to blame than the person closest to you? How
often do we hear, “I would have been/could have done something with
my life except for you.”
Realise that guilt, and the resulting feelings of inadequacy, are
very normal aspects of life. Some people cover these up by being
over-confident and aggressive. Underneath it's still the same feelings
of inferiority. It just manifests itself in different ways. Check yourself
throughout life to make sure you're not doing exactly the same things
that others have done to you. Don't allow guilt and blame to enter your
relationships. Try taking the responsibility yourself.
But if I take the responsibility myself then I'll feel guilty and won't be
able to forgive myself. How do I achieve a forgiving attitude towards
Remember you are changing deep-seated feelings here and these
require a lot of shifting. Whenever someone dies, the people closest to
that person often feel they are partly responsible for their death. They
feel this often as keenly as if they had actually murdered them. How
can you be forgiven, and forgive yourself for this death? You think
you could have done something about it, you could have saved them,
and you could have made their life happier and more comfortable.
Know that each person chooses their own fate. This is often hard
to accept as you feel your destiny is in my hands alone. It is not. You
have free will, and you use that free will to live your life, even if you
don't realise it yet. It is not possible to change another person's
decision as to their fate.
Everything that happens to you, or through you, is your own
choice. You choose your own path. You can help others along that
path and try to guide them, but that is as much as you can do. This
realisation will change your life. Take responsibility for yourself and
alter your own life, but you cannot change another's life without them
choosing another path. This path may not be the one you were
directing them to, but this is their choice therefore you must respect it.
Guilt on another person's behalf is wasted emotion. You could
have made a slight difference to their welfare, but know that they
chose their ultimate destiny.
Remember the harm hanging onto resentment can do, not to the
other person but to yourself. Hatred means fear, and stress will
ultimately make you ill.
From now on, let go any resentment and sadistic pleasure you
derive from feeling guilt, you can choose another reality for yourself.
When you stop resisting the past, and know that you and that person
you feel guilt about, or anger towards, chose that past, then the guilt
and anger can finally melt away. Guilt and anger cannot exist with
choice, they only exist in a non-responsible environment. When you
realise you choose your reality any guilt fades away
Start rebalancing your life. You are never alone and I always
know exactly what happened. In your mind seek peace rather than
storing up old hurts. Start to de-stress your body and relax your mind.
Allow peaceful thoughts of past scenes that created happiness to fill
your mind - you will find there is no room left for any hatred, only
love. Calm yourself over a period of time, use your infinite source of
strength and you too can finally be set free.
The way to alter and change human destiny is to make a different
choice. Only then can lives alter and forgiveness occurs. Forgiveness
brings blessing, love and joy rushing towards you. Knowing you are
ultimately only responsible for your own fate you can help and try to
guide others, particularly children. We are all old souls and at some
stage of our existence we must take responsibility into our own hands.
You are worthy of forgiveness and you, and only you, can turn your
life around. Start to feel kind and peaceful feelings about yourself.
2. Worry and fear
Mounting frustration with the way modern life is heading has led
many people back into their homes, which is the only place they feel
safe. Their home is the only place left where they feel they can control
the environment, and where they don't have to worry about the
constant pressures of everyday life. It's where their family and friends
are – it is becoming more and more, by choice, the center of their
’Home’ has become a refuge from what people increasing
perceive is an out-of-control world. A world where time and energy is
constantly eroded, which leads to a sense of loss of control. A post
9/11 world where public utilities and recreational areas can at anytime
become targets to terrorist groups seeking publicity, regardless of the
dangers to themselves or the population at large.
This has resulted in a general malaise among the population, with
many people less optimistic about the direction the world is heading
and their own position within that world. The increasing problem of
loss of job security; doubts about the economic climate, which in turn
results in less confidence about taking on a mortgage and a family.
The increasing need of instant gratification that leads to debt and more
spiralling fears. The downward turn that many people feel their life is
taking, have led to emptiness and more worry.
A more modern, more affluent world promised to deliver increasing
confidence and less fear. But this hasn't been the case. Increasing
affluence has been chosen above love and happiness. What can be
done about it? Can action be taken now before it's too late?
The feeling of life being out of control has led to many people
thinking that God has abandoned them. “God is only a delusion”
writes Richard Dawkins, “believing in God is a backward belief
system”. Religion only leads to the foolishness and primitivism that is
the world today. Religions justify belief in suicide bombings,
subjugating women, and can be used to fuel any mania. Religions
keep the population living in fear and hatred of each other.
The other side of the coin is the religious right. Whatever the
bible says is ‘written in concrete’ and is the only belief system. The
religious creationists claim the world is only six thousand years old,
and that the earth was created in seven days doesn't answer the
questions either, or lead to a more tolerant and forward thinking
All these extremes create is more hatred and fear. People are left
floundering, clinging to the only rock of routine and family. They
want to understand and emerge from their walled castles, but how can
they when each message is so conflicting, and even if that message
was heeded where's the hope for the future and the answers in them
The answer is that belief in religion has created hatred and fear. It
has made you feel separate to Me, and live life in the fear of
constantly being judged, and coming out badly. It has made you feel
like separate beings, who can only relate to family and friends who are
usually of the same ethnic group and nationality. Even within
“democratic” societies, people cling to who and what they feel they
know. This leads to envy and suspicion. People can be singled out at
any time due to dress, skin colour or even hairstyle and made to suffer
for being different. It all creates the feeling of separation from each
other, and hatred of what you don't know. Fear results.
The truth is that I never judge. You are Me and have total free will
within this life, to decide how your life is to be lived. Maybe you're
making the wrong decision now, but when you realise that choice isn't
creating any happiness, you'll make another. Your harshest judge
ultimately is yourself. I have no preference. That choice was
obviously right for you at that time, but you'll learn how to make
changes when they are necessary.
You are not powerless as you have been taught. The power of one is
all that there is. The one is the all. When you realise that by hurting
another you are only hurting yourself, by lying to another you are
lying to yourself and by giving happiness to another you give it to
yourself, only then can you leave your castle, and affect your world
for the better. Knowing you are having a positive effect on the world
will lead you towards losing your fear and back into a position of
responsibility and the power of one.
If worry is a habit, so must be happiness. Your mind thinks in
well-worn grooves that are learned from childhood upward. You learn
from an early age how to please people to receive love, and how to
spend money to feel happy. So can you learn how to stop worrying
(fear) and how to start living (happiness)? How often does it happen,
that you'll fuss and fret for days about making a right decision, and
later look back and realise that it wasn't as difficult as you made it,
and it worked out. Worrying, fussing and fretting does not help make
a right decision. In fact, all they contribute to is cloudy decision
making and exhaustion. Of course, what you really need to remember
is who you are and to trust your instincts.
Look at people, particularly as they age, and they fall into two distinct
personality types. The worriers who have deep lines etched between
their eyebrows, and their more easy-going counterparts with smoother
brows. Look at yourself in the mirror now and mentally assess how
much of a worrier are you. You'll know.
Even if these lines are just developing, you need to stop them in
their tracks. By admitting yourself to be a worrier, means that for you
worry has become a habit. A bad habit. You have been ‘practicing’
What are you worried about? Look now within yourself. Your
mind is probably saturated with negative thoughts. You are full of
gloom and apprehension when you worry. Look at the situation you
are creating through worry. “I'm worried about making a wrong
decision”. The message you're giving out here is, “Decision – wrong”.
By worrying, you are bringing about just the opposite of what you
want. Rather than trusting your instincts and remembering who you
are, you're renouncing your whole life purpose. You are proving to
have no faith.
Faith is necessary to all of life. You have to have faith to get out
of bed in the morning, to catch the train to work, to function at all. To
be positive you must have faith. Faith that you can pass an exam.
Faith that you can love others. Faith that you can do the job. Without
some sort of faith you'd be dead. You would not even be able to wake
up in the morning.
Building up this faith will overcome the worry habit and restore
hope for you and all that depend on you. Hope is put into motion
through faith. Everyone must have some measure of faith to function
– work on building it up and you will reap the rewards.
Why am I always worried about everything?
Think. You were not born a worrier. As mentioned above, it is learned
the habit, a mental attitude taken from others. You have learned this
bad habit over a lifetime. You can also learn to rid yourself of this
habit, along with every other habit if you choose to. You can cast
worry from your mind. Why waste so much of your energy and mindpower
Worry is useless. If it's worry about the past, how can you change
it now? The past is gone. If it's about the future, worry won't solve it
either – because it hasn’t happened yet. You can change your future,
not through worrying about it, but by action. The rest of the time
you're worrying about present matters. These will be sorted out, not
through worry. but by taking responsibility and a positive attitude
towards them. Stop dramatizing and enjoying this drama of life. Its
time to change – now.
Worry is just a mindset, a habit that most humans seem enjoy.
What greater drama is there than, “I'm worried to death about ....”,
“I'm sick with worry about....”. Oh the drama from actually being sick
and dying from it! Allowing worry to take total control of your life to
the point where you feel you are powerless. Get a grip. What are you
– people or mice? You are My body remember! Allow Me to help you
to this realisation. Lean on Me initially in order to finally take control.
You are Me. It's your choice.
How do I become an attractive personality?
Everyone is affected by moods. Sometimes you are fearful and
worried, at other times angry and resentful. How could a person ever
have more happiness than trouble with this mindset?
To turn your life around from here, remember that your life is in your
own hands. You alone control your own destiny and you can either sit
in a corner feeling negative, bitter and sad or decide it is your time for
some happiness. Why add the world's negativity – decide to spread
positive thoughts and happiness.
Start to train your mind into cultivating joy. Why do you always
have to be caught in the habit of fear and sadness? Make the change.
Think of the happy times you've allowed yourself to have and
realise that if you were happy once you can be again I am God's body
and underneath a loving, peaceful soul. Do not allow yourself to be a
fearful, miserable person. Make another choice.
Always remind yourself of who you are. Practice relaxing your mind
and body. Being at peace will allow your real personality to emerge.
Remember what's it's like to feel happiness. Most people have
forgotten. They don't have the time. They're either at work, cooking
dinner, looking after the kids or watching television. Get your
peaceful mind back. Turn off the television for an hour. Walk out the
door humming a song, do something for someone and bathe in their
thanks, or just walk along a beach or in a park and watch a sunset.
Feel what it's like to give yourself peace for a few minutes.
Know I am with you, as you are part of Me.
How do you finally break the worry habit, build up faith and hope in
yourself and the future?
Accept that worry is a habit. A learned habit. Do you now choose
the worry habit or the happiness habit?
The worry habit can become a sickness. The negativity of worry
can only send your life downwards and out of control until
sickness and listlessness is the result.
By worrying you're creating the very situation that you dread -. “I
worry about my child becoming a drug addict”. Thinking those
thoughts, you are sending out that message. “My child – drug
addict” You can instead create a nurturing environment for that
child; just remember their destiny is up to them. Instead, think
positively. Think “My child – happiness”. Whenever that
recurring worry arises, replace the word “drug addict” with
“happiness”. For example, with exams or work replace, “I'm
worried I'll fail in my exams/job” with “exams/job – succeed”.
Every time the worry habit arises replace the negative word with
the positive one. Thereby contribute to life's happiness not
Tidy up your act. Clean up and throw out your rubbish – literally.
Have a clean and uncluttered environment in which to live. You
will feel a huge burden lifted off your shoulders by doing this.
Space gives you freedom. You will finally feel as though you can
breathe and start again in a positive frame. Look at the reason
behind your clutter and its link to past insecurity. Move on from
Think of what you are worried about. According to case studies
40% of worries are about the past, 50% about the future and the
remaining 10% are about now.
The past you can't change – it's over. Why lock yourself
physically and mentally into this wasted emotion. You need to
practice letting it go. The realisation that you chose your past will
go a long way towards overcoming it.
The future. How much different will a future be where everyone
reaffirms faith in this world. Where each takes responsibility and
knows that what is done to one is done to all. To know you're only
hurting yourself when you hurt another and that you are all one.
Everything is connected. This is choosing calm and peace.
The present. Know who you really are. You have control over
your body and environment. Take that authority and practice
emptying your mind. Say to yourself, “I am now emptying my
mind of all insecurity, fear and doubt”. In the place of this anxiety,
fill your mind with peace and calm assurance, “I am allowed to be
happy and secure.” You are part of the spiritual presence, so trust
your instincts and eliminate fear and worry permanently.
Remember we are One.
Meditate on peace. “I forget those things that are behind and reach
forward to those things ahead. I take control.” Repeat that while
concentrating on peaceful thoughts.
Reach into your mind and one by one remove all the anxieties
and fears that have built up. Believe you can do it. Affirm, “I am now
emptying my mind of all insecurity and doubt and filling it with total
calm, peace and hope”. Know you are no longer alone making this
decision and with this new-found power you will succeed.
Whatever the stress, whenever you feel you cannot cope reaffirm,
“I choose to be calm and peaceful”. A peaceful mind is a mind that
can make quick decisions. It's a mind that knows the right way to go
and will not be driven to anger quickly. Only a worried and frustrated
mind has a short fuse that needs anger management.
You will begin to know what to overlook. Why stress on
something you cannot change? Accept that which you cannot alter and
realise the bigger picture. Know that life is short and that only love,
happiness and peace matter in the end. What do small irritabilities
matter anyway? Most things quickly pass if allowed to.
Affirm faith in the future. Despite all troubles and difficulties,
you are still alive, the world is still here, and you all would choose for
that to be so. You are a powerful being and can make a difference.
2. Worry and fear
3. Money problems
4. Work
5. Relationship troubles
6. Feeling of inadequacy and inferiority
7. Ill health
8. Loneliness
9. Boredom
10. Stress and inability to find peace
1. Anger and Hatred Towards Someone
Let's first of all look at the reasons behind so many people's response
to a situation being anger. A baby feels frustration when it isn't
responded to immediately and reacts with tears. But this isn't anger.
A child feels delayed gratification and consequently frustration, which
does turn to anger. This is the start of those anger feelings, and
depending on the parent's reaction at this time, life-long patterns will
emerge. If the child feels love and the consequent feeling of safety,
they will then develop a higher tolerance to situations that trigger
anger. Their life from this early start will be more flexible and they
will have a higher stress tolerance. Otherwise they will cope less and
react more explosively. If they have a lower tolerance to anger and
stress, this will lead to destructive coping mechanisms such as
addiction to drugs/alcohol or other excesses such as food, exercise,
dieting or spending money. This inability to cope with stress leads to
illness, both physically and mentally.
When examining yourself and your behaviour, know this is how
you got to where you are today. These problems have manifested
themselves in your feeling of anger, frustration and being
overwhelmed with life, to a greater or lesser extent.
Stop and think – do you like the person you have allowed yourself to
become? Are you enjoying the drama? The feeling that you're not
responsible – the person you hate is that person is to blame. That
person needs to suffer the same way you have. “An eye for an eye”.
You're continually fuelling the flame, “I hate them. They ruined my
life. I'm spiralling downwards due to them”. How consoling it is to
know that it's not your fault.
Well it is your fault!! You have allowed yourself to become this way,
but this is not your true nature. This is your learned nature. Your real
nature is not this fearful, frustrated, angry animal – but that of what
you could be. A loving, de-stressed and peaceful individual.
Remember who you are here. You and I are one. You have the total
power of choice. You have created this reality over a lifetime – when
you decide to change that created picture, you know you can.
Remember that you chose your childhood setting. You always
thought it was random, but it wasn't. No matter how bad that
childhood home was – whether it included adoption, being molested,
physical violence – your soul needed to experience this setting, and
eventually realise that this experience could be overcome. You will
keep choosing this setting until you learn how to overcome it. There is
no escape, until finally you know that to resist the past is pointless.
Past circumstances can never be changed, or present people from that
past, but you can choose how you react to them.
Allow these past triggers to always chaff and you will never
move on. You'll turn to an obsession to try to blot it out from your
memory. This can take the form of drugs, alcohol, gambling and
eventual illness – anything that will blot out and ease that memory.
Unfortunately, the past cannot be erased, and unless you let it go,
it will only hurt you in the end. Resisting it only increases the anger
and hatred. Accepting it stops the pain and suffering and allows for
the letting go. The trigger may still be there, in the form of childhood
figures, but as soon as you realise you both chose to be in that
situation, and ultimately when you leave here you will thank that soul
for allowing you to experience that reaction. Only then do you know
it's useless to resist the past, and the suffering then can finally end for
both the victim and abuser. Allow whatever happened to be, it will
loose its power and dissolve.
How do you forgive yourself?
What's happened to you in your life? Is it something that
unforgivable? Has someone died in your life?
My child/sister/brother/father/mother/partner has died. I wasn't caring
enough of their welfare and blame myself. I didn't notice them enough
and could have helped them. They committed suicide without me
seeing the signs and I could have prevented it. I accidentally killed
someone and now feel as though I have a life to make up for... I am
mentally ill because of this and can't function because my life is black.
I can't see any positive aspects these days.
Are you are an addict?
I am a drug addict/alcoholic. I have made my life and others lives hell,
for a long time. I can't fulfill my potential because of this and have to
be looked after by others.
Are you physically ill?
I have been ill for a very long time and could die of cancer/heart
attack/tumour at any time. I'm really just waiting for it to happen and
will be pleased when it's all finally over. If only I had been well
enough to contribute to other's welfare and fulfill my life's true
Every one of the life scenarios that is mentioned all carries with it
massive guilt for the individual. “I'm useless just living in a park/on
the streets drinking/shooting up all day. But I was raped by my
“I'm responsible for my child's death. If only I hadn't accidentally
murdered my girlfriend in a wild fit of rage. My temper should be
more under control.”
“I should have visited my mother more often and checked on her.”
“If only my teenager had told me about the problem they were having.
I could have stopped their suicide. But I didn't know.”
“I wish I wasn't dying of cancer and could see my children grow up.
But I can't and they just have to learn to get along without me.
Know that each soul has lived these situations. You might feel your
life is together now, but do you know what happened to your soul
before this lifetime? If you did know, you would view life very
differently now and wouldn't be so judgmental. Your mind doesn't
remember these past experiences, but your soul does.
“There but for the grace of God go I” means you do remember dimly
that you have had similar experiences, but just can't realise now
anything specific. You all could have had any of these happen to you
previously and you have had many of them occur. Remember you
have been male, female, rich, poor, powerful, and powerless before,
according to the realizations you needed to achieve.
Every soul has had very difficult lives. Only by experiencing
difficulty and eventually working through it, can you grow and learn
the knowledge needed to survive and ultimately overcome this
physical life.
Know you aren't alone. Know that:
Every person you meet has been through a similar situation to
you at some stage in their physical lifetimes.
You have to work through that situation at some stage. Even if
you can't do it this time you'll have to do it next lifetime. All
situations you will ultimately have to face.
You are Me in a physical form. I allow you, and want you to
forgive yourself and move on to more positive learning
experiences. It might take many lifetimes but it's your choice.
It is your choice. Know we are one and realise you no longer
need the drama. Truly know this and you will be set free.
Realise this ultimate truth and you will no longer feel
judgmental to others. You also have passed through this same life
stage. You have moved on, so encourage that soul to do the same.
Remember, might be too soon for that person to move forward.
Give them time. Empathize with that person as much as possible
and try not to judge.
You cannot change others. You can ultimately only change yourself.
Others can be shown a different way. Know that all people are
evolving and moving forward gradually in their own way and time.
You might not see this now and think that your way is better – each
person has their own path and journey to fulfill. Rather than try to
change them, help them move forward in their own chosen way.
“But my son/daughter is a hopeless drug addict and thief. They
live in a squat. How can that way ever be a learning experience?”
Know that it is. After meeting a man who was once very rich and
handsome, but is now reduced to living on the beach and picking up
cigarette butts because of his drug habit, I finally realised this. He had
embezzled funds from the company he worked for; he had kidnapped
his mother for a ransom from his family to fuel the habit. He had also
sold his house, apartment, and sports car. He had nothing left. He had
no teeth, nowhere to live, his clothes were from the Salvation Army.
Everything was gone. His family still loved him but he had no contact
with them. He was on the disability pension. He had chosen to punish
himself totally in this lifetime. He was enjoying the drama of the
I initially judged him as a total loser. I tried to change him
through reasoning with him. He had no qualms borrowing money
from anyone.
In the end, I realised only he could choose to make his life more
positive. Only he could end the love of drama and the need of
Then one day he said, “I now am totally free. I no longer need
anything material. I live on the beach and eat in the soup kitchen.
What else do I need? I'm still looking for a high through drugs but that
won't change. Don't try and change me.”
So there can be learning in any life. Try to guide and help each
person but don't try to judge and change that person.
How do I stop myself from getting angry and stop anger in others?
As soon as you feel the heat of anger arising, do something about it.
Cool the feelings in some way. Stop the reaction. Lower your voice,
unclench your fist, reason with yourself. Know that you are a peaceful
soul. Reason will eventually prevail anyway, with or without this
unnecessary anger. Don't allow frustration to build up. Do something
about these minor frustrations before they reach this boiling-over
level. Start relaxation techniques and realise you are a peaceful soul.
Deal with these out of control frustrations – one by one.
See things in a wider perspective. This is only one of your many
lifetimes, which is very short anyway. Okay, so a driver cut in front of
me, but I survived it and so did they. Stop dwelling on it. Allow the
anger to go.
Every time you feel the surge of anger realise you can take
control. Train yourself not to make a fool of yourself. Allow yourself
to heal, rather than to fester with inward anger.
Even though you now have anger under control, never allow
yourself to be a victim. You are only a victim if you allow yourself to
be one. An abuser cannot be allowed to continue because that is bad
for you and bad for them. If they find abuse acceptable their
personality will change into a ruthless and cruel character. The school
bully will become the organized crime leader. The wife basher will
become the murderer. Loving someone does not mean allowing them
to do anything they want to you and others. Love of yourself and
others demands that you stop them. To allow a person to continually
hurt others and inflict damage is not the most loving thing to do.
Highest love requires a forceful response.
Take control of your self and your life. See yourself for what you
are and know you can change. You will eventually have to anyway. If
you don't do it now, at some stage you will have to see yourself for
what you have become. You won't like this image and have to do
something about it. Why wait?
How do I choose not to be a victim and martyr?
The great martyrs such as Jesus choose this state through free choice.
It was never inflicted on them and Jesus always knew he could stop
his crucifixion at any time. He chose this state, as He knew that
humans would only heed the message after He was dead. He
overcame death by rising again on the third day. Then you knew the
truth and followed the message. But the message has become distorted
over time and each religious group feels their message is the right
way. So people think suffering is necessary in life to follow the
religious path.
If you choose the path of suffering, recognise it and decide how
you want to react to it. You can continue to be the victim, or decide
that you no longer want to react in the same way. It is bad for the
torturer and the victim. Eventually the torturer will hate themselves,
and you, if you allow the victim mentality to continue you will be
Remember there are only two human emotions – love and fear. If love
isn't ruling your life, then fear is. Decide what you want to experience
in life (love, peace and happiness) and head towards that experience.
When you start to move away from fear and feel hope, you are finally
heading toward the light.
Nothing plagues humans more than having an inferiority
complex. This is why you allow yourself to become a victim in the
first place. It's easier to allow a do-nothing situation than to start a
change. Your feelings of inferiority have probably existed for as long
as you have. Why let that continue?
Never see yourself as failing again. Control your mind. Practice
finding peace and this will automatically induce success in your life.
Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, cancel it immediately
with a positive thought. Of course you can do it – surely you're as
good as anyone else, and you are becoming a peaceful soul at the
same time.
Depression leads to building up negative thoughts and imaginary
obstacles. Why are you worried about what might happen? “Well the
worst always happens.” Now that you are a peaceful soul, only the
best will start to happen. If a few difficulties arise on your path,
minimise them. You are not alone. Remember you have Me. You are
my body. Why would I let you flounder alone? You can overcome
them now.
Look at your positive aspects and realise your abilities so you can
develop a wholesome self-respect. Everyone is good at something.
Know we all have much to contribute in this life, even if it's only
something you think is small, like talking to a friend in need. Don't let
yourself down again. Make the move – learn to become positive
I can never overcome feelings of inferiority until I learn how to
forgive myself. Feelings of guilt forever plague me.
Most people experience guilt feelings for a large percentage of their
lives. Guilt directed towards them by their parents. Blame pointed at
them usually by people who cannot accept the blame themselves. How
many parents blame their partner, or their children for problems that
arise in their own lives? They should accept the guilt themselves, but
it’s much easier to put the blame on someone else than take it
yourself. Who is easier to blame than the person closest to you? How
often do we hear, “I would have been/could have done something with
my life except for you.”
Realise that guilt, and the resulting feelings of inadequacy, are
very normal aspects of life. Some people cover these up by being
over-confident and aggressive. Underneath it's still the same feelings
of inferiority. It just manifests itself in different ways. Check yourself
throughout life to make sure you're not doing exactly the same things
that others have done to you. Don't allow guilt and blame to enter your
relationships. Try taking the responsibility yourself.
But if I take the responsibility myself then I'll feel guilty and won't be
able to forgive myself. How do I achieve a forgiving attitude towards
Remember you are changing deep-seated feelings here and these
require a lot of shifting. Whenever someone dies, the people closest to
that person often feel they are partly responsible for their death. They
feel this often as keenly as if they had actually murdered them. How
can you be forgiven, and forgive yourself for this death? You think
you could have done something about it, you could have saved them,
and you could have made their life happier and more comfortable.
Know that each person chooses their own fate. This is often hard
to accept as you feel your destiny is in my hands alone. It is not. You
have free will, and you use that free will to live your life, even if you
don't realise it yet. It is not possible to change another person's
decision as to their fate.
Everything that happens to you, or through you, is your own
choice. You choose your own path. You can help others along that
path and try to guide them, but that is as much as you can do. This
realisation will change your life. Take responsibility for yourself and
alter your own life, but you cannot change another's life without them
choosing another path. This path may not be the one you were
directing them to, but this is their choice therefore you must respect it.
Guilt on another person's behalf is wasted emotion. You could
have made a slight difference to their welfare, but know that they
chose their ultimate destiny.
Remember the harm hanging onto resentment can do, not to the
other person but to yourself. Hatred means fear, and stress will
ultimately make you ill.
From now on, let go any resentment and sadistic pleasure you
derive from feeling guilt, you can choose another reality for yourself.
When you stop resisting the past, and know that you and that person
you feel guilt about, or anger towards, chose that past, then the guilt
and anger can finally melt away. Guilt and anger cannot exist with
choice, they only exist in a non-responsible environment. When you
realise you choose your reality any guilt fades away
Start rebalancing your life. You are never alone and I always
know exactly what happened. In your mind seek peace rather than
storing up old hurts. Start to de-stress your body and relax your mind.
Allow peaceful thoughts of past scenes that created happiness to fill
your mind - you will find there is no room left for any hatred, only
love. Calm yourself over a period of time, use your infinite source of
strength and you too can finally be set free.
The way to alter and change human destiny is to make a different
choice. Only then can lives alter and forgiveness occurs. Forgiveness
brings blessing, love and joy rushing towards you. Knowing you are
ultimately only responsible for your own fate you can help and try to
guide others, particularly children. We are all old souls and at some
stage of our existence we must take responsibility into our own hands.
You are worthy of forgiveness and you, and only you, can turn your
life around. Start to feel kind and peaceful feelings about yourself.
2. Worry and fear
Mounting frustration with the way modern life is heading has led
many people back into their homes, which is the only place they feel
safe. Their home is the only place left where they feel they can control
the environment, and where they don't have to worry about the
constant pressures of everyday life. It's where their family and friends
are – it is becoming more and more, by choice, the center of their
’Home’ has become a refuge from what people increasing
perceive is an out-of-control world. A world where time and energy is
constantly eroded, which leads to a sense of loss of control. A post
9/11 world where public utilities and recreational areas can at anytime
become targets to terrorist groups seeking publicity, regardless of the
dangers to themselves or the population at large.
This has resulted in a general malaise among the population, with
many people less optimistic about the direction the world is heading
and their own position within that world. The increasing problem of
loss of job security; doubts about the economic climate, which in turn
results in less confidence about taking on a mortgage and a family.
The increasing need of instant gratification that leads to debt and more
spiralling fears. The downward turn that many people feel their life is
taking, have led to emptiness and more worry.
A more modern, more affluent world promised to deliver increasing
confidence and less fear. But this hasn't been the case. Increasing
affluence has been chosen above love and happiness. What can be
done about it? Can action be taken now before it's too late?
The feeling of life being out of control has led to many people
thinking that God has abandoned them. “God is only a delusion”
writes Richard Dawkins, “believing in God is a backward belief
system”. Religion only leads to the foolishness and primitivism that is
the world today. Religions justify belief in suicide bombings,
subjugating women, and can be used to fuel any mania. Religions
keep the population living in fear and hatred of each other.
The other side of the coin is the religious right. Whatever the
bible says is ‘written in concrete’ and is the only belief system. The
religious creationists claim the world is only six thousand years old,
and that the earth was created in seven days doesn't answer the
questions either, or lead to a more tolerant and forward thinking
All these extremes create is more hatred and fear. People are left
floundering, clinging to the only rock of routine and family. They
want to understand and emerge from their walled castles, but how can
they when each message is so conflicting, and even if that message
was heeded where's the hope for the future and the answers in them
The answer is that belief in religion has created hatred and fear. It
has made you feel separate to Me, and live life in the fear of
constantly being judged, and coming out badly. It has made you feel
like separate beings, who can only relate to family and friends who are
usually of the same ethnic group and nationality. Even within
“democratic” societies, people cling to who and what they feel they
know. This leads to envy and suspicion. People can be singled out at
any time due to dress, skin colour or even hairstyle and made to suffer
for being different. It all creates the feeling of separation from each
other, and hatred of what you don't know. Fear results.
The truth is that I never judge. You are Me and have total free will
within this life, to decide how your life is to be lived. Maybe you're
making the wrong decision now, but when you realise that choice isn't
creating any happiness, you'll make another. Your harshest judge
ultimately is yourself. I have no preference. That choice was
obviously right for you at that time, but you'll learn how to make
changes when they are necessary.
You are not powerless as you have been taught. The power of one is
all that there is. The one is the all. When you realise that by hurting
another you are only hurting yourself, by lying to another you are
lying to yourself and by giving happiness to another you give it to
yourself, only then can you leave your castle, and affect your world
for the better. Knowing you are having a positive effect on the world
will lead you towards losing your fear and back into a position of
responsibility and the power of one.
If worry is a habit, so must be happiness. Your mind thinks in
well-worn grooves that are learned from childhood upward. You learn
from an early age how to please people to receive love, and how to
spend money to feel happy. So can you learn how to stop worrying
(fear) and how to start living (happiness)? How often does it happen,
that you'll fuss and fret for days about making a right decision, and
later look back and realise that it wasn't as difficult as you made it,
and it worked out. Worrying, fussing and fretting does not help make
a right decision. In fact, all they contribute to is cloudy decision
making and exhaustion. Of course, what you really need to remember
is who you are and to trust your instincts.
Look at people, particularly as they age, and they fall into two distinct
personality types. The worriers who have deep lines etched between
their eyebrows, and their more easy-going counterparts with smoother
brows. Look at yourself in the mirror now and mentally assess how
much of a worrier are you. You'll know.
Even if these lines are just developing, you need to stop them in
their tracks. By admitting yourself to be a worrier, means that for you
worry has become a habit. A bad habit. You have been ‘practicing’
What are you worried about? Look now within yourself. Your
mind is probably saturated with negative thoughts. You are full of
gloom and apprehension when you worry. Look at the situation you
are creating through worry. “I'm worried about making a wrong
decision”. The message you're giving out here is, “Decision – wrong”.
By worrying, you are bringing about just the opposite of what you
want. Rather than trusting your instincts and remembering who you
are, you're renouncing your whole life purpose. You are proving to
have no faith.
Faith is necessary to all of life. You have to have faith to get out
of bed in the morning, to catch the train to work, to function at all. To
be positive you must have faith. Faith that you can pass an exam.
Faith that you can love others. Faith that you can do the job. Without
some sort of faith you'd be dead. You would not even be able to wake
up in the morning.
Building up this faith will overcome the worry habit and restore
hope for you and all that depend on you. Hope is put into motion
through faith. Everyone must have some measure of faith to function
– work on building it up and you will reap the rewards.
Why am I always worried about everything?
Think. You were not born a worrier. As mentioned above, it is learned
the habit, a mental attitude taken from others. You have learned this
bad habit over a lifetime. You can also learn to rid yourself of this
habit, along with every other habit if you choose to. You can cast
worry from your mind. Why waste so much of your energy and mindpower
Worry is useless. If it's worry about the past, how can you change
it now? The past is gone. If it's about the future, worry won't solve it
either – because it hasn’t happened yet. You can change your future,
not through worrying about it, but by action. The rest of the time
you're worrying about present matters. These will be sorted out, not
through worry. but by taking responsibility and a positive attitude
towards them. Stop dramatizing and enjoying this drama of life. Its
time to change – now.
Worry is just a mindset, a habit that most humans seem enjoy.
What greater drama is there than, “I'm worried to death about ....”,
“I'm sick with worry about....”. Oh the drama from actually being sick
and dying from it! Allowing worry to take total control of your life to
the point where you feel you are powerless. Get a grip. What are you
– people or mice? You are My body remember! Allow Me to help you
to this realisation. Lean on Me initially in order to finally take control.
You are Me. It's your choice.
How do I become an attractive personality?
Everyone is affected by moods. Sometimes you are fearful and
worried, at other times angry and resentful. How could a person ever
have more happiness than trouble with this mindset?
To turn your life around from here, remember that your life is in your
own hands. You alone control your own destiny and you can either sit
in a corner feeling negative, bitter and sad or decide it is your time for
some happiness. Why add the world's negativity – decide to spread
positive thoughts and happiness.
Start to train your mind into cultivating joy. Why do you always
have to be caught in the habit of fear and sadness? Make the change.
Think of the happy times you've allowed yourself to have and
realise that if you were happy once you can be again I am God's body
and underneath a loving, peaceful soul. Do not allow yourself to be a
fearful, miserable person. Make another choice.
Always remind yourself of who you are. Practice relaxing your mind
and body. Being at peace will allow your real personality to emerge.
Remember what's it's like to feel happiness. Most people have
forgotten. They don't have the time. They're either at work, cooking
dinner, looking after the kids or watching television. Get your
peaceful mind back. Turn off the television for an hour. Walk out the
door humming a song, do something for someone and bathe in their
thanks, or just walk along a beach or in a park and watch a sunset.
Feel what it's like to give yourself peace for a few minutes.
Know I am with you, as you are part of Me.
How do you finally break the worry habit, build up faith and hope in
yourself and the future?
Accept that worry is a habit. A learned habit. Do you now choose
the worry habit or the happiness habit?
The worry habit can become a sickness. The negativity of worry
can only send your life downwards and out of control until
sickness and listlessness is the result.
By worrying you're creating the very situation that you dread -. “I
worry about my child becoming a drug addict”. Thinking those
thoughts, you are sending out that message. “My child – drug
addict” You can instead create a nurturing environment for that
child; just remember their destiny is up to them. Instead, think
positively. Think “My child – happiness”. Whenever that
recurring worry arises, replace the word “drug addict” with
“happiness”. For example, with exams or work replace, “I'm
worried I'll fail in my exams/job” with “exams/job – succeed”.
Every time the worry habit arises replace the negative word with
the positive one. Thereby contribute to life's happiness not
Tidy up your act. Clean up and throw out your rubbish – literally.
Have a clean and uncluttered environment in which to live. You
will feel a huge burden lifted off your shoulders by doing this.
Space gives you freedom. You will finally feel as though you can
breathe and start again in a positive frame. Look at the reason
behind your clutter and its link to past insecurity. Move on from
Think of what you are worried about. According to case studies
40% of worries are about the past, 50% about the future and the
remaining 10% are about now.
The past you can't change – it's over. Why lock yourself
physically and mentally into this wasted emotion. You need to
practice letting it go. The realisation that you chose your past will
go a long way towards overcoming it.
The future. How much different will a future be where everyone
reaffirms faith in this world. Where each takes responsibility and
knows that what is done to one is done to all. To know you're only
hurting yourself when you hurt another and that you are all one.
Everything is connected. This is choosing calm and peace.
The present. Know who you really are. You have control over
your body and environment. Take that authority and practice
emptying your mind. Say to yourself, “I am now emptying my
mind of all insecurity, fear and doubt”. In the place of this anxiety,
fill your mind with peace and calm assurance, “I am allowed to be
happy and secure.” You are part of the spiritual presence, so trust
your instincts and eliminate fear and worry permanently.
Remember we are One.
Meditate on peace. “I forget those things that are behind and reach
forward to those things ahead. I take control.” Repeat that while
concentrating on peaceful thoughts.
Reach into your mind and one by one remove all the anxieties
and fears that have built up. Believe you can do it. Affirm, “I am now
emptying my mind of all insecurity and doubt and filling it with total
calm, peace and hope”. Know you are no longer alone making this
decision and with this new-found power you will succeed.
Whatever the stress, whenever you feel you cannot cope reaffirm,
“I choose to be calm and peaceful”. A peaceful mind is a mind that
can make quick decisions. It's a mind that knows the right way to go
and will not be driven to anger quickly. Only a worried and frustrated
mind has a short fuse that needs anger management.
You will begin to know what to overlook. Why stress on
something you cannot change? Accept that which you cannot alter and
realise the bigger picture. Know that life is short and that only love,
happiness and peace matter in the end. What do small irritabilities
matter anyway? Most things quickly pass if allowed to.
Affirm faith in the future. Despite all troubles and difficulties,
you are still alive, the world is still here, and you all would choose for
that to be so. You are a powerful being and can make a difference.
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