Learn Patience - They say patience is a virtue and for good reason. If you can wait for something without getting frustrated during the process, you will find that good things surprise you. Everything that you receive will become much more valuable and your days will be much less stressful. Patience is easy to learn if you know what to do.What to do: Patience comes with a change in how you see the waiting period. Rather than focusing only on the light at the end of the tunnel, enjoy the walk through the tunnel itself! When you shift your attention to enjoying the path you are on, it becomes easy to have patience you experience right now on your journey can be just as rewarding as the goal you are waiting for.
● I am able to be patient in any situation
● It is my pleasure to be understanding and tolerant
● I have complete patience with myself as well as others
● I am able to wait patiently when things take more time than I expect
● I am as patient as a caterpillar in a cocoon transforming into a butterfly
Visualization Technique for Patience:
This is a technique that can be use practically anywhere patience begins to evade you. It is quick
and works very well. The first visualization takes longer, while subsequent visualizations requireonly a few seconds.For the first visualization, picture yourself in the situations that you lose patience in. For manythis is a long line, when someone is being nasty, or when waiting to get off work. Whatever it is,picture that you are there right now. Then imagine yourself becoming preoccupied withunderstanding the situation rather than wanting it to be over or allowing yourself to lash out.Think about ways to turn it into a positive or funny situation, like visualizing your boss with aclown nose, or how strong your legs are becoming when you stand for a long time. Find apositive way to let off some of your built up steam. For example, if you are imagining yourself atwork, dive into it with a positive attitude, organize your workspace, or come up with ways tomake yourself more efficient.Once you come up with a loophole during your visualization, think of a word that helps youremember to use it during you real life experiences. Put this word in a visible place or even writeit on your hand. Whenever you are feeling inpatient at all, look at the word and let it remind youof your visualization. Quickly picture your visualization and gain strength from it.